
This is kinda weird, but it really is just a list of animals that i find cool. I've been 'collecting' them since 2020 and the list just CONSTANTLY gets bigger! If for any reason you ever though 'huh i would like to know some weird/fun animals that exist', well then somehow you are in the right page. Might take a few seconds to load! (all of the images are hand picked kekw) Feel free to get a random animal too!

There are currently animals here!

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    • Pine Marten
    • Pink Robin
    • Ruddy Duck
    • Pygmy Rabbit
    • Canadian Marble Fox
    • Smew
    • Mountain Pika
    • Aardwolf
    • Mandarin Duck
    • Blue Jay
    • Mudpuppy
    • Quoll
    • Axolotl
    • Splendid Fairy Wrens
    • Viscatcha ✬
    • Sea Bunnies
    • Sea Sheep
    • Wombats
    • Thylacine
    • Blue Coral Snake
    • Ligers
    • Okapi
    • Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher
    • Spiny Bush Vipers
    • Galah Bird
    • Girgentana Goat
    • Island Fox
    • Harvest Mice
    • Japanese Dwarf Squirrel
    • Grolar Bear
    • Quokka
    • Cheetah ✬
    • Raven ✬
    • Blue Glaucus
    • Leafy Sea Dragon ✬
    • Tree Kangaroos
    • Common Tern
    • Tanukis
    • Indian Grey Mongoose
    • Keeshonden
    • Long Eared Jerboa ✬
    • Gerenuk
    • Patagonian Mara
    • Springhare
    • American Kestrel
    • Anoa
    • Peccary
    • Elephant Shrew
    • Vietnamese Mossy Frog
    • Hoatzin
    • Oil Bird
    • Victoria Crowned Pigeon
    • Tenrek
    • Colugo
    • Olinguito
    • Water Opossum
    • Cottontop Tamarin
    • Burmese star tortoise
    • Numbat
    • Grandala Bird
    • White Java Sparrow
    • Club-winged manakins
    • Lyrebird
    • Albert squirrel
    • Dracula Parrot
    • Kori Bustard
    • Northern Carmie Bee-Eater
    • Golden Snub Nosed Monkey
    • Takin
    • Araripesuchus
    • Yellow Bushtail Possum
    • Lamancha goat
    • Yeti Crab
    • Kakapo
    • Secretary Bird
    • Greater Sage-Grouse
    • Mantis Shrimp
    • Pronghorn
    • Ringtailed Cat ✬
    • Sparklemuffin Spider
    • Hyrax
    • Kinkajou
    • Tree swallow
    • Common starling
    • Osprey
    • Anableps
    • Atlantic Puffin
    • Andean Cat ✬
    • Serval
    • Carcals
    • Dark-eyed Junco
    • Bonasus
    • Plum Headed Parakeet
    • Kakariki
    • Velvet Purple Coronet
    • Antpitta
    • Hooded Treepie
    • Racket Tailed Treepie
    • Plush Crested Jay
    • Crimson Rosella
    • Greater Bird of Paradise
    • Fiery Billed Aracari
    • Azure Winged Magpie
    • Grey Crow
    • Transvolcanic Jay
    • Stellers Jay
    • Purplish Backed Jay ✬
    • Strawberry Finch
    • Roadrunner
    • Bilby ✬
    • Anchiornis Huxleyi ✬✬
    • Crinoids (Feather Stars)
    • Black and Chestnut Eagle
    • Oncilla
    • Violet Backed Starling
    • Green Heron
    • Tiger Swallow Pigeon ✬
    • Red Lahore Pigeons ✬✬
    • Frillback Pigeon
    • Amazonian Royal Flycatcher
    • White Browed Tit Warbler
    • Skeleton Panda Sea Squirts
    • Rosefinch
    • Belgian Horse
    • Black Billed Magpie
    • Maghreb Magpie
    • Jacana
    • European Hamster
    • California Quail
    • Black Throated Bushtit
    • White lipped python
    • Jacobin Pigeon
    • Blue Parrot Fish
    • Angular Roughshark
    • Fantail Pigeon
    • Chalk Browed Mockingbird
    • Thrush
    • Vaquita
    • Brahmas Roosters
    • Bagworm Moth Caterpillar
    • Pipehorse
    • Hawk Moth
    • Tibetan Foxes
    • Silver Sebright
    • Bat Eared Fox
    • Valais Blacknose Sheep
    • Frizzle chicken
    • Leaf Tailed Geckos
    • Specled Bear
    • Fancy mice
    • Sable
    • Asian Palm Civet ✬
    • Angel shark
    • Fat Tailed Dunnart
    • Hirola
    • Philipine Eagle
    • Ethiopian Hare
    • Anami Rabbit
    • Volcano Rabbit
    • Sumatran Striped Rabbit
    • Soviet Chinchilla (Rabbit)
    • Tamias
    • Finlayson's squirrel ✬
    • Chestnut Red and White Giant Flying Squirrel
    • Prevost's Squirrel
    • Eurasian Hoopoe
    • South African Goat
    • Strawberry Squid
    • Great Eared Nightjar
    • Little Auk
    • Inca Tern
    • Black and Yellow Broadbill
    • Scale Crested Pygmy Tyrant
    • Lilac Breasted Roller
    • Golden Pheasant
    • Nicobar Pidgeon
    • Roseate Spoonbill
    • Harlequin Rabbit
    • Quetzalcoatlus
    • Irish Elk
    • Argentavis
    • Pompadour Cotinga
    • Curl Crested Aracari
    • Spot Billed Toucanet
    • Multicolored tanager
    • Zebra Finch
    • Owl Finch
    • Hagfish
    • Golden Plover
    • Gloster Canary
    • Black Dragonfish
    • Black Oranda Goldfish
    • Tibetan Mastiff Dog
    • Taiwan Blue Magpie
    • Greater Glider ✬✬
    • Kowari
    • Helicoprion
    • Thirteen Lined Ground Squirrel
    • Spicebush Swallowtail (caterpillar)
    • Mountain Pygmy Possum
    • Degu
    • Bateleur Eagle
    • Mexican Alligator
    • Snowshoe Hare ✬✬
    • Marbled Polecat ✬
    • Kodkod
    • Yellow Eyed Penguin
    • Zonkey
    • Zebra Pleco
    • Uromastyx
    • Xinjiang Ground Jay
    • X-ray Tetra
    • Xantus Hummingbird
    • Xantus Murrelet
    • Xenops
    • Quagga
    • American Woodcock
    • Halitrephes Jelly
    • Siamang Apes
    • Swallow Tailed Hummingbird
    • Asian Garden Dormouse
    • Hyalinobatrachium dianae
    • Spectacled Dormouse
    • European Edible Dormouse
    • Coati
    • Garpike
    • Southern Flannel Moth
    • Arctic Wooly Bear Moth
    • Willow Ptarmigan
    • Striped Possum
    • Honey Possum
    • Eastern Hare Wallaby
    • Culpeo
    • Badger bat
    • White Lemuroid Possum
    • Verhoevens Giant Tree Rat
    • Bishop's O`o
    • Solenodon
    • Hoary Bat
    • Painted Bat
    • Beach Mouse
    • Western Red Bats
    • Pacific Blue Tailed Skink
    • Dwarf Hotot
    • Long Tailed Tit
    • Sungazer
    • Bumblebee Bat
    • Rainbow Lorikeet
    • Werewolf Mouse
    • Willow Tit
    • Blue Crowned Motmot
    • Puli Dog
    • Nebelung
    • Frilled Neck Lizard
    • Markhor
    • Hummingbird Hawk Moth
    • Mata Mata
    • Oriental Pied Hornbill
    • Loris
    • Striped Hyena
    • Flying Fox
    • Red Pencil Urchin
    • Common Grackle
    • Blue Eyed Ground Dove
    • Bunny Harvestman
    • Black Headed Siskin
    • Burnished Buff Tenager
    • Common Tailorbird
    • Eared Pygmy Tyrant
    • Eastern Cattle Egret
    • Rainbow Spangle Budgie
    • Blond Crested Woodpecker
    • Adelie Penguin
    • Pink Necked Green Pigeon
    • Cladonota Bolivari
    • Muntjac
    • Red Winged Blackbird
    • White Throated Magpie Jay
    • Bali Myna
    • Red Vented Bulbul
    • Rhino Rat Snake
    • African Red Eyes Bulbul
    • Bullfinch
    • Red Eyed Crocodile Skink
    • Near Eastern Wildcat
    • Acrobatic Cavy
    • Crested Oropendola
    • Orange Backed Troupial
    • Bobolink
    • Ribbon Seal
    • Ringed Seal
    • African Civet
    • Purple Throated Fruitcrow
    • Bare Necked Fruitcrow
    • Black Herron ✬
    • Koolie
    • Old German Owl Pidgeon
    • Polish Chicken ✬
    • Jackson Widowbird ✬
    • Purple Honeycreeper
    • Violet Green Swallow
    • Golden Crowned Kinglet
    • Grey Currawong
    • Red River Hog
    • Brunner Pouter Pigeon
    • Little Ringed Plover
    • Nun Pigeon
    • Border Leicester Sheep
    • Asian Grass Lizard
    • Angolan Colombus Monkey
    • Ribbon Tailed Astrapia
    • Oarfish
    • Vontsira ✬
    • White Tailed Mongoose
    • Kusimanse
    • Mongoose Lemur
    • Cerulean Carpenter Bee
    • Binturong
    • Bankiva (Red Junglefowl)
    • Javan Sunbird
    • Jambu Fruit Dove
    • Superb Fruit Dove
    • Common Genet ✬
    • Aquatic Genet
    • Masked Palm Civet
    • Bush Dog
    • Norwegian Forest Cat ✬
    • Sunbittern
    • Resplendent Quetzal
    • Masked Trogon
    • Blue Naped Mousebird
    • Japanese Paradise Flycatcher ✬
    • Yellow Headed Day Gecko
    • Spotted Skunk
    • Indian Dancing Frog
    • Hog Nosed Skunk ✬
    • Dhole
    • Boomslang
    • Greater Lophorina
    • Gannan Yak
    • Margay
    • Platybelodon
    • Green Plover
    • Dama Gazelle
    • Moloka’i Creeper
    • Red Tailed Black Cockatoo
    • Velveteen Lop
    • Angora Rabbit
    • Kea
    • Rainbow Shark
    • Vampire Squid
    • Seriema
    • Golden Mantle Rosella
    • Shiny Cowbird
    • Ochre Marked Parakeet
    • Bobtail Squid
    • Squirrel Cuckoo
    • Barred Eagle Owl
    • Fruit Piercing Moth (caterpillar)
    • Temmincks Tragopan
    • Ghostly Cusk Eel
    • Dusky Batfish
    • Scaled Dove
    • Black Fronted Piping Guan
    • Blue Naped Chlorophonia (bandeirinha)
    • Dot Eared Coquette
    • Violet Sabrewing
    • Black Crake
    • Eurasian Coot
    • Snowy Sheathbill
    • American Oystercatcher
    • Least seedsnipe
    • Ruff
    • Red Billed Tropicbird
    • Sooty Albatross
    • White Tern
    • Black Skimmer
    • White Faced Storm Petrel
    • Magnificent Frigatebird
    • Anhinga
    • Whistling Heron
    • Boat Billed Heron
    • Glossy Ibis
    • Plumbeous Kite
    • Golden parakeet
    • Orange Cheeked Parrot
    • Superb Parrot
    • Golden Spotted Ground Dove
    • Indigobird
    • Riverside Tyrant
    • Spotted Shag
    • Smoky Robin
    • Tiktaalik
    • Valais Blackneck Goat
    • Legless Lizard
    • Rufous Hare Wallaby
    • Yellow Crowned Euphonia
    • Chestnut Bellied Euphonia
    • Rufous Bellied Euphonia
    • Blue and White Mockingbird
    • Blue Mockingbird
    • Socorro Mockingbird
    • Hood Mockingbird
    • Kagu
    • Guira Cuckoo
    • Broad Tailed Paradise Wrhydah
    • Red Rumped Cacique
    • Buff Necked Ibis
    • Red Fan Parrot
    • Eastern Red Bat
    • Wood Grouse
    • Great Argus Pheasant
    • Bambiraptor
    • Epicyon
    • Crested Duck
    • American Bittern
    • Tibetan Yaks
    • Milk Frog ✬✬
    • Hammerhead Salamander
    • Dorcopsis
    • Chevrotain (Mouse Deer)
    • Dik Dik
    • Barreleye Fish
    • Killifish
    • Turtle Frog
    • Siamese Fireback
    • Ani Cuckoo
    • Jewel Catterpillar
    • South American Bush Dog
    • Splendid Leaf Frog
    • Striped Cuckoo
    • Red Cap Oranda Goldfish
    • Oriental Shorthair Cat
    • Southern Right Whale Dolphin
    • Banded Linsang
    • Bilobella
    • Giant False Leaf Katydid
    • Grey Crowned Crane
    • Red Crowned Crane
    • Blue Crane ✬
    • Sooty Honeyeater
    • White Plumed Antbird
    • Shining Sunbird
    • Red Shouldered Tanager
    • Ragdoll
    • New Caledonian Gecko
    • Frogfish ✬
    • Irish Wolfhound
    • Vizsla
    • Enantiornithes
    • Woolly Chafer Beetle
    • Kaikaifilu
    • Carnufex
    • Brazilian Teal
    • Yabby
    • Rock Ptarmigan
    • Flashlight Fish
    • Pennant Winged Nightjar
    • Cream Colored Woodpecker
    • Grey Falcon
    • Seychelles Kestrel
    • African Pygmy Falcon
    • Collared Falconet
    • Stilbum calens
    • Crowned Shrew
    • Schreibers Long Fingered Bat
    • Northern Lapwing
    • Starry Pearl Moth ✬
    • Northern Bald Ibis
    • Hazel Leaf Roller Weevil
    • Pineapple Gall Adelgid
    • Common Pipistrelle
    • Dead Nettle Leaf Beetle
    • Pine Ladybird
    • Scarlet Tiger Moth
    • Rosy Underwing Moth
    • Adonis Blue Butterfly
    • Green Underside Blue Butterfly
    • Pink Crab Spider
    • Black Grouse
    • Spanish Moon Moth
    • White Plume Moth
    • Wallcreeper ✬✬
    • Great Crested Grebe
    • Blue Black Grassquit ✬
    • Peach Fronted Parakeet
    • Bare Faced Curassow
    • Widespread Eighty Eight (88)
    • Eighty Butterfly (80)
    • Orsis Bluewing
    • Red Rim Butterfly
    • Purple Gallinule
    • Starry Night Cracker Butterfly
    • Yellow Billed Cardinal
    • Blue Frosted Banner Butterfly
    • Paraguay Hairy Dwarf Porcupine
    • Southern Screamer
    • Periander Metalmark Butterfly ✬
    • Southern Red Bishop
    • Red Legged Kittiwake (kawaii seagull)
    • Indonesian Sailfin Dragon
    • Attacus Atlas
    • Indian Roller
    • Confuciusornis
    • Hesperornithes
    • Tristam Starling
    • Pyrenean Desman
    • Volcano Snail
    • Ringneck Snake
    • King Eider
    • Muskrat
    • Spalax
    • Lumpfish
    • Moon Jelly
    • Aussie Spotted Jelly
    • Butterfly Koi
    • Stubby Squid
    • Cyerce Elegans
    • Common Spotted Cuscus
    • Black Sea Hare
    • Barn Swallow
    • African Comb Duck
    • Leaf Insect
    • Spotted Pardalote
    • Ocellated Turkey
    • Reeves Pheasant
    • Black Palm Cockatoo
    • Indian Oakleaf Butterfly
    • Prairie Chicken ✬
    • Ornate Sandveld Lizard
    • Anhinga
    • Marmoset Pigmeu
    • Surucua trogon
    • Phyllodesmium Iriomotense
    • Red Springtail
    • Sharp Tailed Grouse
    • Eurasian Jay
    • Sea Pig
    • Rainbow Leaf Beetle
    • Purple Martin ✬
    • Black Rain Frog
    • White Breasted Nuthatch
    • Donskoy Cat
    • Montezuma Quail
    • Ping Pong Tree Sponge
    • Cuban Tody
    • Black Knobbed Map Turtle
    • Cat Faced Spider
    • White Crested Helmetshrike
    • Uhu, Bubo bubo
    • Pigmy Seahorse
    • Flatid Planthopper Nymph
    • Surinam Toad
    • Black Baza
    • Saiga
    • Grey Go Away
    • Pallas Sandgrouse
    • Epaulette Shark
    • Velvet Ant (Wasp)
    • Northern Red Billed Hornbill
    • White Crested Hornbill
    • Yellow Casqued Hornbill
    • Rufous Necked Hornbill
    • Marbled Murrelet
    • Common Murre
    • Brown Eared Pheasant
    • Black and White Ruffed Lemur
    • Bongo
    • Red Ruff Lemur
    • Japanese Serow
    • Saluki
    • Sacabambaspis
    • Aurornis
    • Crassigyrinus
    • Sinosauropteryx
    • Greater Racket Tailed Drongo ✬✬
    • Black and Red Broadbill
    • Black Necked Stilt
    • Chestnut Winged Cuckoo
    • Tufted Pygmy Squirrel
    • Tufted Ground Squirrel
    • East Antarctic Arthropod
    • Saharan Striped Polecat
    • Red Tailed Skink
    • Kuhli Geco
    • Standard Winged Nightjar ✬
    • Sunda Stink Badger
    • Cloud Rat
    • Nauta Mushroom Tongued Salamander
    • Bush Stone Curlew
    • Anhinga
    • Swifts
    • Australian Spotted Pardalote
    • Budapest Short Faced Tumbler Pigeon
    • Palawan Peacock Pheasant
    • Big Headed Turtle
    • Waved Albatross
    • Razorbill
    • Tufted Puffin
    • Hooded Seal
    • Green Junglefowl
    • Brazilian Galliwasp Skink
    • Boat Tailed Grackle
    • Neopygoscelis dentatus
    • Trilobite Beetle (Platerodrilus)
    • Chamois
    • Tullimonstrum
    • Pacific Spiny Lumpsucker
    • Blue Headed Pitta
    • Azure Breasted Pitta
    • Wrybill
    • Ascension Frigatebird
    • Grey Imperial Pigeon
    • Little Kingfisher
    • Indigo Banded Kingfisher
    • Northern Silvery Kingfisher
    • Woodland Kingfisher
    • Knysna Turaco